Wednesday, February 26, 2014

gods at war

  Gods at war by Kyle Idleman (the student edition) is a book on idolatry. He takes a very clear and easy to read approach to different areas in our life that we may have put in the place of God. This book starts by identifying what idolatry truly is and how it operates in our life today. Then Kyle dedicates each of the next chapters to an individual idle that students might struggle with. Finishing up the book with a reflection on what it all means. 

  This is a must read for every student. As a student pastor I will be letting as many as I can barrow this book because I know it will change their life. 

   My favorite lines in the book are, "You can't understand the seriousness of Idolatry without understanding the jealousy of God. And you can't understand his jealousy without some understanding of his relentless, powerful love for you. The two are intertwined." I love this quote because it brings out the true point for Him being a jealous God, His love for us. I don't know if I can express the need for every christian to read this book. Getting rid of Idles is the only way to grow closer to God.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Risky Gospel

Risky Gospel

To say this book was better then I was thinking would be the understatement of the year. From cover to cover this book was blowing my mind. Some chapters I enjoyed better then others, but as a whole fantastic.  My favorite chapter was the last one titled Risky Failure. This one was my favorite because it is the one subject that many people try and stay away from. Jesus never promised that the cross would not be heavy when he asked us to pick it up and follow Him. That was the primus of the chapter. However he balanced it beautifully with words of encouragement when he said “Gospel Risk, then, is grounded in an unshakable foundation: God It is possible through divine grace, secured through the cross of Christ and activated in our lives by the resurrection of Christ. Sin is defeated; Satan has lost; the law is kept; we are counted righteous in the heavenly courtroom, all because of Jesus.” The reality is there will be hard times in this world but we are strengthen with the truth that Christ has already over come the world and is living in side us as believers. In his own words “Following Jesus by seeking to invest the gospel he has given us in the world is not a risk. Serving Christ in whatever calling he gives you is the surest work you can undertake in the world, because the kingdom of God will win and the gates of hell will not overcome it.”  I have all ready recommended it to two of my friends and will continue to recommend it to more. It’s a must read for all believers.